Knowledge is Power: The Health Hazards of Having Pests in Your Home

Mother and daughter reading on floor

If you have bugs in your Jacksonville home, chances are you’re probably feeling pretty annoyed. Having to deal with pests can make your home feel uncomfortable and dirty. Unfortunately, having bugs in your home can also lead to several different health risks for your family. If you have a severe infestation, pest control in Jacksonville is a necessity when it comes to protecting your family’s health. We’re going to discuss a few health hazards that bugs and other pests can expose your family to.

Don't Let Pests Affect Your Health!

Asthma & Respiratory Issues

Insect and rodent infestations aren’t just nasty, they’re also a major health hazard, especially for individuals already suffering with allergies and asthma. Roach carcasses and droppings release a protein that has been proven to trigger an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals. This can lead to a severe, life-threatening asthma attack. Even if no one in your family currently has respiratory issues, long-term exposure to these bugs and their droppings can harm your lungs. As the infestation grows and persists, the chances of harm increase exponentially. So, roach and rodent infestations aren’t only gross and unsanitary, but they also have the potential to be dangerous, too.

West Nile Virus

West Nile virus is a very serious hazard that has become more prevalent over the years. An infected mosquito transmits this virus when it bites a human. This disease can cause life-threatening illness in individuals and is not something to be taken lightly. Because children and the elderly are especially susceptible, it’s important you utilize some sort of mosquito control to protect your home and family. Eliminating standing water and leaks in your yard can help reduce the amount of mosquitoes, but if there is a pond or slow-flowing creek nearby, chances are they’ll be present. You may need professional assistance in eliminating mosquitoes for good, which usually includes quarterly outdoor treatments that defeat mosquitoes and their breeding grounds at the source.

Hantavirus & Leptospirosis

Rodents carrying Hantavirus and Leptospirosis spread these diseases through their urine and droppings. Hantavirus can lead to respiratory issues, hemorrhagic fever and death, while leptospirosis can cause liver failure, brain swelling, and possible death. The only way to ensure that your family is never exposed to these terrible illnesses is to make sure that rodents don’t have access to your home. If you notice signs of rodents in your home, it’s imperative you call a professional exterminator ASAP, as rodents can reproduce rather quickly and an infestation can get out of hand fast.

Control the Infestation ASAP!

It’s important to take care of an infestation when you first notice the initial signs. Waiting can be a huge mistake because infestations typically get worse over time, and the worse they get, the more danger they are to your health. If you allow the infestation to exist, the pests can multiply, and your problem will inevitably get bigger. It’s always best and easiest to take care of an infestation while it’s still small instead of waiting until it gets way out of hand.

Call Paul's For Professional Services

When it comes to quick and effective pest control, Paul’s Termite and Pest Control has you covered. We take pest control issues very seriously, and our number one priority is keeping you and your family safe. If you notice signs of an infestation, you can give us a call and we can help develop a personalized strategy that will get rid of bugs fast! We offer pest control services in the Tallahassee and Jacksonville areas. 

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